Monday, January 8, 2007

It Takes a Village

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success.
George Herman

My wedding officiating business, Lyssabeth's, was named after my two daughters, Alyssa and Bethany--who are now grown and contributing to the world in their own unique ways. My theory was that since they turned out just fine, then I should try to replicate that success with my new "child". To quote Dr. Phil--so far, it's working for me!

I'm fully aware of the fact that the successful transformation of my girls from caterwauling infants to sulky-faced teenagers to beautiful accomplished young women was only fractionally related to my admonishments, ministrations, and role-modeling--punctuated by the ubiquitous hand-wringing moments. So too can I say the same for this subsequent "child" this business of mine that brings levels of angst and joy rivaled only by my offspring. It truly does "take a village" to culminate any successful dream--be it the raising of children or the fruition of a business.

Yes...I'm talking about my bevy of revies, the irreplaceable Irreverent Reverends. My people. Everyone should have such good people. I know...I'm bragging shamelessly, but they are so damn great and at least I don't run around showing off their pictures. For that you have to click here! Just this past weekend, under the deluge of Denver's third snowstorm in as many weeks and I with the "car-which-does-not-handle-well-in-snow" (snow tires are the first errand on my list today, but I digress) and with an impromptu wedding rehearsal for Bobbi and Kase looming at the Westin Hotel, I was able to make a morning-of phone call to Kim. I'm afraid my crummy "car-which-does-not-handle-well-in-snow" won't make it up the hill--can you cover? She did; they loved her; I had her perform the wedding the next day as well, since they had all bonded. Another happy ending all the way around!

And then there's Cheri, who performed a Christmas-eve wedding at the same time her father lay at home dying from a lingering illness. Dan, our token male rev, who gallantly steps in for each couple who prefers having a man officiate. (Archaic predispositions being what they are and we do try our best to fulfill every couple's wishes!). Jenn (who calls me the Momma Rev) juggles motherhood, a demanding job complete with frequent travel and a most recently a husband requiring a trip to the emergency room (I hear he's fine, and were still waiting on the details!)

There's Sajit, who is a connector of the highest caliber! She knows everybody! When I needed a male officiant, I asked Sajit (enter Dan). Want to know if my love and I are suited astrologically? Ask Sajit. (okay--that has nothing to do with the managing of my business, but it is totally fascinating!). Sajit has directed me to more resources (most of them free) than anyone I've ever known. And Ruthay, who is the quintessential Jill of all trades. I've relied on her from everything to making wedding cakes to organizing my office.

A better team there never has been. I am so truly blessed. How about you? Ever think about those who helped you become the person you are (or will be)? Authors dedicate books, performers make Academy acceptance speeches thanking their supporters. Most of us don't get that formal opportunity; we have to create those moments ourselves.

Hopefully, I just did! (but I'm not done--those are my Revs--there are so many other folks who support me. More on them tomorrow.)

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