Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm finally the reward!

The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy.
Sam Levenson

Having grandchildren rocks. They're always glad to see you. They give you great hugs and they happily go home to Mom and Dad when you're too tired to play with them anymore. Yes, I thought I was in Grammy (like the award!) Nirvana with just those aspects alone. But, last week, I discovered an even finer perk of Grandmotherhood.

I became the reward!

Almost-three-year-old Kaydi was scheduled for a Grammy (like the award!) playdate and I had some fine activities in the works. The plan was for me to pick Kaydi up from preschool at 2:30 sharp and then party the night away (although quite honestly, she's way more of a party girl than I am). However, I received an early morning phone call from my daughter Bethany who relayed in a very fed-up voice, that Kaydi had pitched a royal fit that morning, refusing to get dressed, throwing her shoes, etc. (You know--the histrionics that we Grandmothers consider our cosmic revenge against our daughters who put us through the angst-filled teen years!)

Apparently there was no stopping the fit, (I must digress here to point out that Kaydi raises fit-throwing to an art form!) so after an hour or so of this nonsense, Mom and Dad finally administered the one punishment sure to have an impact. They took away the Grammy visit! This of course generated more fit-pitching, but Beth and Jason held firm and the snivelling Kaydi was unceremoniously dropped off at school with admonishments that Grammy (like the award!) would not be there to rescue her come 2:30. Bummer.

Granted, I was disappointed by the punishment, but understanding of its need. This turned to glee when the 180 degree nature of this event registered in my brain. How the tides have turned! I remember when my kids were being disciplined as children, that I was the punishment! Staying at home being grounded with Mom hanging around the house was usually ample punishment to deflect most rule infractions. Ewww...a fate worse than death!

But now....I am the reward. I'm what gets taken away when the child misbehaves. I am the good thing, the whipped cream on top of the hot chocolate, the day at the amusement park, the PRIZE!!!!

Heh...heh...heh....having grandchildren is so good for the ego!

P.S. For those of you dying to know the outcome, Kaydi woke up the next day talking about how she was being very careful "not to throw a fit" (her words) to insure a visit to Grammy's (like the award!) house later that day. Her objective was accomplshed and a fun time was had by all.